Truck  / Cu. Yard


Cedar Grove 60/40 topsoil (Lawn Mix)

A blend of 60% sand, and 40% compost. This is a well-draining, high quality lawn mix. Good for new lawn installations, and repairs, either seed or sod.



Cedar Grove Compost

A dark color, high in organic nutrients soil amender. A good addition to raised beds, gardens, lawns, and hanging baskets.


Cedar Grove Organic Vegetable Garden Mix

Cedar Grove Vegetable Garden Mix

This is a blend of compost, sand, and loam. It’s ideal for vegetable gardens, planter boxes, hanging baskets, raised beds, and lawn repair.


Carpinito Brothers 3-way Topsoil

Carpinito Brothers Premium 3-way Top Soil

A fine screened blend of loam, sand, and steer-gro. An excellent soil for gardens (flower or vegetable), new lawns, raised beds, hanging baskets, and for lawn repair top dressing.



We sell all of our bulk materials by the cubic yard. A cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet. You can use the online calculator to determine how many cubic yards of material are required.

* All calculations are approximate. Due to natural variations in size, shape and weight of material, be sure to review the information with a member of our staff before placing your material order.

please note...

While every effort is made to keep our website current, our prices are subject to change without notice. We work hard to provide the most accurate photographs of our products, however products do change in the course of the season.